THROUGH LEGACY TELEVISION, JEREMY AND SARAH SERVE THEIR GENERATION WITH THE WORD OF GOD, TEACHING THEM TO LIVE BY FAITH IN THE DAY OF GRACE.WATCH ALL EPISODESBROADCAST ARCHIVES Sort By SeriesWhat’s Right With You?Many Members, One BodyIncrease to OverflowEstablished In FaithRestMy Father Loves MeHiding In Plain SightNo Greater LoveGrowing In GraceGuarding The HeartSetup for SuccessLife More AbundantlyJust One Of Those DaysReverence on the RiseThe Door To MoreRenovation TransformationFree PeopleAn Atmosphere of Faith and LoveRestoring the SoulIn This House of FaithLife in the House of FaithLiving LegacyFaith for the FutureLift Up and Look FromCrossroadsThe Hope of HeavenAbide and AboundHealth and Healing for Your FamilyRaising a Family in the House of FaithLessons from the Life of DanielThe AnointingCares That Choke The WordHidden In The HealerIt Can Be Done!Keepers of the FaithLiving the Life of a Jesus PreacherChristmas in The Spirit of FaithThanks A LotAwaking What’s WithinFaith In The Goodness Of GodPressed But Not CrushedRestoring the SoulThe Prosperous SoulIn Passionate Pursuit of GodAlive In The VineThe Grace/Faith ExchangeThe Rest of Your LifeA Greater GlorySeeking Comes FirstLovePartnershipMake Yourself UsefulFit For The FightLet’s EatFollow The LeaderMiracles in MarkFinancial AffairsBuried TreasureWhy Isn’t This Working?!How’s Your Love Life?Faith House CloseSort By SpeakerJeremy PearsonsSarah PearsonsCarlie Terradez Close 02/27/2025Your Place Is Where Your Grace Is Pt. 2Jeremy Pearsons, Legacy TV, Speaker02/16/2025Your Place Is Where Your Grace Is Pt. 1Jeremy Pearsons, Legacy TV, Speaker03/17/2024The Air We Breathe Pt. 2Jeremy Pearsons, Legacy TV, Speaker03/10/2024The Air We Breathe Pt. 1Jeremy Pearsons, Legacy TV, Speaker03/03/2024Signs That Follow Pt. 2Jeremy Pearsons, Legacy TV, Speaker, Supernatural Acceleration02/25/2024Signs That Follow Pt. 1Jeremy Pearsons, Legacy TV, Speaker, Supernatural Acceleration02/18/2024Launch Out Pt. 2Jeremy Pearsons, Legacy TV, Speaker, Supernatural Acceleration02/11/2024Launch Out Pt. 1Jeremy Pearsons, Legacy TV, Speaker, Supernatural Acceleration02/04/2024Overtaken By Blessings Pt. 2Jeremy Pearsons, Legacy TV, Speaker, Supernatural Acceleration