All About The Heart

Sarah Pearsons

“Above everything else, guard your heart, because from it flow the springs of life.” King Solomon left us a buried treasure in the book of Proverbs: thirty-one chapters of wealth and wisdom straight from God’s heart. But to me there is one gold-nugget verse that stands out above the other gems. Proverbs 4:23 begins with these three attention-gripping words: “ABOVE … Read More

Every Soul Needs A Shepherd

Sarah Pearsons

Can you imagine what it would have felt like to be those shepherds on that starry night in the fields of Bethlehem: all of the sudden God’s glory lights up the sky, and His angel army, so ecstatic for us, can’t hold in the news of Jesus any longer. With all their might, they cry out, “Glory to God in … Read More

What You See Is What You Get

Sarah Pearsons

Many of us have become accustomed sitting in services, hearing sermons that revolve around steps—the how tos and the 1,2,3s. We want those we admire to give us the secrets to their successes and the quick fixes that will produce change in our lives. Even as ministers, there is a temptation to simply tell people, “Do this, and you’ll get … Read More