Legacy Letter Vol 2.0

Jeremy and Sarah

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Out On A Limb

Jeremy Pearsons

Some people are natural-born risk takers. They thrive on the adrenaline rush that comes from facing head-on what is yet unknown. To them, there is just something exciting about going all-in when caution and common sense would tell them otherwise. You can probably think of a few times in your life that you have gone out on a limb, as … Read More

A Collision With Kindness

Sarah Pearsons

Many people in the world and in the church are confused about God. They are unsure if He is hard and harsh, or warm and welcoming. They wonder if He is angry or caring, not totally convinced that He is good all the time. They may not say it out loud, but for some this question lingers deep in their … Read More

Seated At His Table

Sarah Pearsons

“I will sit at the table You’ve prepared for me, Here I am safe from the enemy. I will feast on Your love and Your mercy, For death has lost its hold on me.” “You Restore My Soul” from the album Strength & Beauty Something exciting happened to our family in June. We moved into a new house. Something even … Read More

Finding Faithfulness

Jeremy Pearsons

“Your opinion matters,” said the flimsy little card that I threw away just after checking out. I get handed these cards every now and then, and I usually look at it and ask, “Does it really?” It would be easy to get the feeling in this life that your opinion counts for very little. But that is not always true. In … Read More